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Dear Lord Jesus, I honor You as the builder of the church. I rest in the certainty of Your task being accomplished, both quantitatively and qualitatively. I see that the church, Your redeemed people, belongs to You. Also, I humbly ask that You equip me and use me as You fulfill this grand promise, Lord, grant us ears to hear, eyes to see, wills to obey, hearts to love; then declare what you will, reveal what you will, command what you will, & demand what you will. AMEN.

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Sunday, August 20, 2017

New "Bibles" and the New Age Movement

New "Bibles" and the New Age Movement
Evidence that all modern translations promote New Age doctrines
Concerning the

Timothy S. Morton

Although all the references listed below may not apply to every new translation, most of them do apply to the majority. All comparisons are made to the Authorized King James Bible of 1611.

Most modern "Bibles" remove "Lucifer" from Isa 14:12 and replace it with "morning star" (or similar). This implies that Christ, the "bright and morning star, " (2Pe 1:19; Rev 2:28, Rev 22:16) is the subject of the passage, falling from Heaven into Hell! Like the "New Age" religion, they teach that Lucifer is not Satan or evil. The NIV says "Lucifer" in Luk 10:18 where it should be Satan ("Satanas" in Greek). The NASV places the reference 2Pe 1:19 in Isa 14:12 implying the passage refers to Christ.

They remove male pronouns from many verses ("he, " "him, " etc.) and refer to God or Christ as "One" or "the One." This makes God neuter and gives him the "New Age" proper name— "One." New Agers make much of "the One"— their universal pantheistic deity. Mat 11:3, Mat 13:37, Mat 19:17, Mat 24:13; Mar 12:32; Luk 1:49, Luk 7:20, Luk 9:35, Luk 10:16, Luk 12:5, Luk 23:35; Joh 1:18, Joh 1:26, Joh 4:25, Joh 4:42, Joh 6:42, Joh 6:46, Joh 6:69, Joh 7:18, Joh 9:37, Joh 12:45, Joh 13:31; Act 7:38, Act 10:21, Act 10:42, Act 22:9; 1Co 15:28; Col 3:10; Heb 5:7, Heb 7:21, 1Pe 1:15; Rev 1:18, Rev 2:1. The KJV does not emphasis or capitalize "One" alone as a proper name. Mat 23:8-10; Mar 1:7; Luk 3:16; Joh 1:26, Joh 8:50; Rom 5:17, Rom 5:19; Rev 2:12.

They capitalize "virgin" (or put "the" in front of it) to make it a proper name, implying Mary's "perpetual virginity". Mary was "a virgin, " not "The Virgin" of heathen religions. Isa 7:14; Mat 1:23.

They butcher the Lord's model prayer in Luk 11:2-4. The NIV removes "Our" from "Our Father" making God a "universal father; " it omits both references to God's dwelling place: "heaven, " "which art in heaven, " and "as in heaven so in earth; " it doesn't want God's will done on earth since it omits "thy will be done; " and it omits the admonition that one should pray for deliverance, "deliver us from evil."

They change "fruit of the Spirit" to "fruit of the light"— Lucifer. Eph 5:9, and destroy the AV reference to the pagan "God of forces"— the New Age god. Dan 11:38.

They adopt the pagan doctrine of self torture or penance. In 1Co 9:27 they use "beat" (NIV), "punish" (LB), and "buffet" (NASV) in place of "keep under." See also Gal 5:12 where they replace "cut off" with "emasculate" or "mutilate." See also Col 2:23.

They replace "Mystery Babylon" with just "Babylon" changing the reference from a religious institution to a location. Rev 17:5.

They change the descriptive term "fornication" to the vague "immorality." Immorality is relative to the person, fornication is not; it describes specifically what is wrong. 1Co 5:1, 1Co 5:10, 1Co 6:13, 1Co 6:18; Gal 5:19; Eph 5:3; Rev 2:14, Rev 2:20, Rev 9:21, Rev 14:8, Rev 17:2, Rev 18:3, Rev 18:9, Rev 19:2. They also change "whoremonger" to "immoral." 1Co 6:18; Eph 5:5; Rev 21:8, Rev 22:15.

They deny a believer is to "take up thy cross" and follow Christ in Mar 10:21. To appease the "positive thinkers, " they say "then come, follow me."

They change "perfect" to "complete, " "adequate, " "equipped, " or "mature." A Christian's goal should be spiritual perfection. Mat 19:21; Luk 6:40; 2Co 13:11; 1Th 5:23 (complete); Eph 4:12; 2Ti 3:17; Heb 13:21 (equip); 1Co 2:6; Eph 4:13; Heb 6:1 (mature).

They substitute mental assent for menial labor, 2Co 5:9 (labor); Joh 7:17 (do); 2Ti 3:12 (live); 2Co 2:8 (toward); Rom 12:13 (distributing); 1Pe 1:16 (be ye holy).

They put "pride" in verses where there is no Greek to support it (promoting positive thinking and undue self esteem). 2Co 1:12, 2Co 1:14, 2Co 5:12, 2Co 7:4; Gal 6:4; Phi 1:26; Jam 1:9, Jam 1:10.

They teach "imitation" instead of "follow(ing.)" 1Co 11:1; Eph 5:1.

They change "blasphemy" to the much weaker "slander." Mar 7:22, Mat 15:19; Col 3:8; 2Ti 3:2; Tit 2:5.

They call "devils" "demons." Devils are always evil; to a "New Ager" demons are not.

They call "servants" "slaves." Slaves are compelled to obey; servants work freely for the benefit of their master. Luk 7:2, Luk 7:10, Luk 12:37, Luk 12:43, Luk 12:46-47, Luk 15:22, Luk 19:13, Luk 19:15. Luk 20:10; etc.

They teach salvation is difficult to obtain (2Co 11:3), and that one can save himself (Luk 21:19, NIV). The NIV coordinator (Edward Palmer) denies salvation by faith. So do Westcott and Hort.

They teach salvation is a process with baptism as the initiating act, Mar 16:16; Luk 13:23, Luk 15:32; Act 2:38, Act 2:47, Act 15:19; 1Co 1:2, 1Co 1:5, 1Co 1:18, 1Co 6:11; Eph 2:9; Col 2:10, Col 2:20, Col 3:3, Col 3:9. The AV says "are saved" where the new versions say "have been saved" or "were saved, " etc. See NASV in 1Pe 2:2.

They substitute "obedience" (works) for "belief, " Joh 3:36; Rom 11:32, Rom 15:31; Heb 3:1-8, Heb 4:6, Heb 4:11. And also "endurance" for "patience." Rom 5:4; 2Co 6:4, 2Co 6:6, 2Co 12:12; Col 1:23; 1Ti 2:12; 1Pe 1:5.

They allow for another means of eternal life. Joh 6:68 ("the" removed). Other places where "the" is removed, changing the meaning of the verse. Mar 1:4 (baptism); Act 14:27 (faith); Tit 1:4 (faith); 2Jo 1:1 (truth); Rev 14:6 (gospel).

They omit or weaken references to the word of God, Luk 4:4 (omitted), Luk 4:32, Luk 5:5, Luk 20:20; Joh 6:68; Joh 10:21, Joh 12:48; Act 4:4, Act 6:2, Act 10:22, Act 10:36.

They call God "a God, " Dan 3:25; Act 14:15; 1Th 1:9. And Christ "a Son." Mat 27:54; Mar 12:35, Mar 15:32; Joh 6:19; Rev 1:1, Rev 14:14. And call Christ "Son of man" instead of "Son of God" in Joh 9:38. Also, "a Savior", Mar 2:17; Act 27:23; Phi 3:20.

They try to separate Christ from salvation, Mar 9:42; Joh 3:15, Joh 6:47; Act 22:10, Act 22:16; Rom 15:29; Gal 6:15; Eph 1:10, Eph 1:13. They remove references to His blood, Rom 3:25; Mat 27:4; Luk 22:20; Col 1:14; Rev 1:5, and they remove references to His suffering, Mat 8:17, 1Co 11:24; 1Pe 3:18.

They substitute "age" (New Age), for "world, " Mat 12:32; Mar 10:30; Luk 18:30, Luk 20:35; Gal 1:4; Eph 1:21; Tit 2:12; Rev 13:3. They also imply progressive ages, Luk 1:70; Joh 9:32; Act 3:21, Act 15:18; Rom 16:25; Eph 3:9. 2Ti 1:9; Tit 1:2.

They render all Old Testament references to "hell" as "grave, " "death, " or "sheol." They also remove "everlasting" from punishment, Mat 18:8, Mat 25:41, Mat 25:46; Luk 16:9; 2Th 1:9, Jude_1:6.

They strip Christ of divine titles, Act 2:30; Rom 14:10-14; 1Co 5:4, 1Co 10:9, 1Co 16:22; 1Jo 3:16; Jude_1:4; Rev 1:11.

They won't allow Christ to be "worshipped", Mat 8:2, Mat 9:18, Mat 15:25, Mat 18:26, Mat 20:20; Mar 5:6; etc. (NASV). Yet this version translates the same Greek word "worship" in Rev 9:20 and Rev 13:4!

They refer to Christ as "the Christ, " implying Jesus and "the Christ" are distinguishable, Mat 1:17, Mat 2:4, Mat 22:42, Mat 24:5, Mat 24:23; Mar 12:35; Luk 4:41, Luk 20:41, Luk 23:35, Luk 23:39, Luk 24:26, Luk 24:46; Joh 1:25, Joh 7:27; Act 2:31; Rom 9:5; etc.

They substitute "teacher" for "master, " Mat 8:19, Mat 17:24, Mat 23:8; etc. (24 more times). And they will not endure "sound doctrine" (2Ti 4:3), replacing "doctrine" with "teaching, " Mat 7:28, Mat 15:9, Mat 16:12, Mat 22:33; etc. (29 more times).

They attack Christ's deity, Mat 19:16-17; Luk 2:33, Joh 1:18; Act 4:27; Phi 2:6; 1Ti 3:16; 1Jo 5:7; etc.

They remove "Christ" from many passages or demean Him in other ways, Mat 1:25; Mar 1:1; Luk 4:4, Luk 9:35; Act 3:13, Act 3:26, Act 4:27, Act 4:30, Act 8:37, Act 15:11, Act 16:31; 1Co 5:4, 1Co 16:23; Gal 4:7; Eph 3:9, Eph 3:14; Col 1:2; 1Jo 4:3; Jude_1:25; Rev 3:14 (NASV, "beginning" capitalized, making it a proper name).

They refuse to call Christ "Lord, " Mat 24:45, Mat 25:18, Mat 25:21; Mar 9:24, Mar 10:51-52 Luk 9:57, Luk 12:45-47, Luk 23:42; 1Co 15:47, 2Co 4:10; 1Ti 5:21; 2Ti 4:1; Tit 1:4; 2Jo 1:3, and refuse to call Him the "Son of God, " Joh 6:69, Joh 9:35; Act 8:37.

They teach Christ was created, Pro 8:22; Mic 5:2; Rev 3:14, and refuse to allow Him to be Creator, Eph 3:9. They also remove "only begotten Son" allowing God to have other sons identical to Christ, and call Christ "the only begotten God" (NASV, Joh 1:18) allowing Him to be one of a group of New Age "begotten gods."

They cast doubt on Christ's resurrection, Luk 24:6, Luk 24:7, Luk 24:12, Luk 24:36, Luk 24:40, Luk 24:51-52; Act 1:3, Eph 5:30. And also His ascension, Mar 16:19-20; Luk 24:51-52; Joh 3:13, Joh 16:16; 1Ti 3:16.

They make Christ out to be a sinner, Mat 5:22 with Mar 3:5 and Joh 2:15; also Heb 5:2, and deny His eternality, Joh 1:18; Rev 1:8, Rev 1:11, Rev 5:14, Rev 11:17, Rev 16:5.

They remove references to the second coming of Christ, Mat 25:13; Phi 4:5; 2Th 3:5; 2Ti 4:1; Rev 7:15.

They deny the "Godhead" and Trinity, Act 17:29; Rom 1:20; Col 2:9; 1Jo 5:7.

They eliminate every reference to "Jehovah, " Gen 22:14; Exo 6:3, Exo 17:15; Jdg 6:24; Psa 83:18; Isa 12:2, Isa 26:4.

They refuse to call the "Holy Spirit" "holy", Mat 12:31; Joh 7:39; Act 6:3, Act 8:18; Rom 15:19. See also Act 11:17, Act 19:2.

They omit or strongly question many verses, Mat 17:21, Mat 18:11, Mat 23:14; Mar 7:16, Mar 9:44, Mar 9:46; Mar 11:26, Mar 15:28, Mar 16:9 to Mar 16:20; Luk 17:36, Luk 23:17; Joh 5:3-4, Joh 7:53 to Joh 8:11; Act 8:37, Act 15:34, Act 24:7, Act 28:29, Rom 16:24. And many other parts of verses, Mat 6:13, Mat 9:14, Mat 11:23, Mat 15:8, Mat 16:3, Mat 19:9, Mat 19:17, Mat 20:16, Mat 20:22, Mat 25:13, Mat 27:35, etc.
It should be clear from examining the above, the new "Bibles" are not "clearer, more accurate" translations of the Scriptures as their publishers claim, but gross corruptions of God's word. The changes undermine the very foundation of Christianity. Every fundamental Christian doctrine is weakened in these "perversions, " which helps to set the stage for the coming "Beast" and his pantheistic "New Age" religion.
Many who promote these corruptions are simply unwary Christians, ignorant of the nature of changes in them, having gullibly trusted the recommendation of their favorite preacher or "scholar." Others are aware they make textual changes but are so blinded by Satan they see no need for concern. However, neither group acts as if Satan is even interested in God's word. On the contrary the questioning and corruption of God's word is Satan's primary ambition (Gen 3:1), and it should come as no surprise to any Christian that his ambition would be manifested in counterfeit, imitation "Bibles."
Satan is very subtle and clever. His phony "Bibles" resemble the true Bible (KJV) enough to fool a gullible and unsuspecting believer, yet they are corrupt enough to cast doubt on the very doctrines this believer believes! They question and demean the integrity his Savior while advancing Satan's "New Age" agenda! Christian Beware!
B.F Westcott and F.J.A Hort, the two men most responsible for the popularity of the corrupt Alexandrian Greek Text, which is the basis of the new versions, were much involved in the supernatural and the occult. Both were members of an occultic "Ghost Guild" and Westcott's son said his father was engrossed in "spiritualism." Both of them were heavily involved in these activities for the 30 years they were compiling their "new" (and corrupt) Greek text. Furthermore, these men denied many of the fundamentals of the faith. These "New Age" men produced nothing but a "New Age" Greek text!
Unlike the modern versions, the King James Version of 1611 (any edition) was translated from the Textus Receptus which represents the vast majority of Greek texts. Thus it is the only English Bible in print that remains pure from "New Age" corruption and free from error.